AChildren’s of Alabama/University of Alabama at Birmingham1600 7th Ave SBirminghamAL35233
BChildren’s Mercy Hospital2401 Gillham Road Kansas CityMO 64108
CIcahn School of Medicine1 Gustave L. Levy PlNew YorkNY10029
DMassachusetts General HospitalWang Ambulatory Care Center 15 Parkman Street BostonMA 02114
ENYU School of Medicine/NYU Langone HealthOne Park AvenueNew YorkNY 10016
FParkinson’s Disease Center and Movement Disorders Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine7200 Cambridge Street HoustonTX77030
GPhoenix Children’s Hospital/Banner Sun Health1919 E. Thomas RdPhoenix AZ85016
HRush University Medical Center1620 W Harrison St Chicago IL60612
IThe Tic and Tourette Service at Akron Children’s Hospital: NeuroDevelopmental Science Center215 W. Bowery St. AkronOH44308
JThe Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns Hopkins Medicine707 North BroadwayBaltimoreMD21205
KUCLA Child OCD Anxiety and Tic Disorders Program (Psychiatry) and UCLA Movement Disorders Clinic (Neurology)760 Westwood PlazaLos AngelesCA90095
LUniversity of Florida Health1505 SW Archer RoadGainesvilleFL32608
MUniversity of South Florida4202 E Fowler AveTampaFL33620
NUniversity of Rochester601 Elmwood AveRochesterNY14642
OWashington University in St. Louis Tourette Center4525 Scott Ave., Suite 2203-2205St. LouisMO 63110
PYale Child Study Center230 S Frontage RdNew HavenCT6519
QWeill Cornell Medical College1300 York AvenueNew YorkNY10065
RAnn & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Tourette Center of Excellence225 E. Chicago AvenueChicago IL60611
TTexas Children’s Pediatric Movement Disorders Clinic18200 Katy Freeway (I-10 and Barker Cypress)HoustonTX77094

Tourette Centers of Excellence
