Not applicable
MarkerLast NameFirst NamePhoneZip CodeHigh School DiplomaProbationParoleDate Of Your OffenceHow Long IncarceratedBest Way To ContatctWebsite Inqiry DateContacted?Notes
AAcostaVanessa 951482283592882I Have My DiplomaYesno2020Community ServicePhonereceives CalWorks & SNAP
CBeyRose Marie248915695291101I Have My Diplomanono201760 daysPhonereceives SNAP ( Parole states cannot leave the county of L.A.)
DCameronTony626879799191016I Have My Diplomanono20130PhoneVet (Army)/ charged and convicted of DWAI ( Drive with ability impaired)
EChevalierMarcel310800640091016I Have My Diplomayesno3/20210PhoneCurrently on Probation
FRybackMichael(310) 346-828090806I Need A DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45309.03402777778
HKellyDavid562535305090806No DiplomaYesYes200720 + yearsPhonereceives SNAP
IMarshallPamela818913395690806I Have My DiplomaNoNo198960 daysPhone
JMooreScott424485668490806I Have My DiplomaYesNo3/20225 yearsPhonereceives SNAP/GR
KPorterWesley 951570848692882I Have My DiplomaYesYes20168 yearsPhonereceives SSID
LRaimeyMarcus310919792992543I Have My DiplomaNoNo200030 daysPhoneReceiving EDD (Laid off in December)
MSeeAustin909992999491016I Have My Diploma
OTillmanTerrall323537950890249YesYes199610 yearsPhone
PTorrez Manuel310630924891723I Have My DiplomaNoNo20204 yearsPhone
QThomasWood(949) 200-269891792I Have My DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreLess than 30 daysText Me45308.92361111111
RMelissaFernandez(909) 772-839191762I Need A DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45308.85972222222
SAshleyWash(424) 413-996790031I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Call Me45308.85972222222
TMichaelCamacho(626) 324-480791741I Need A DiplomaYesNoIn the last 1-5 yearsMore than 30 daysCall Me45308.84722222222
UDarrianReeded(840) 217-233491773I Have My DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45308.82430555556
VAngelaTarry(840) 241-960992376I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Text Me45308.81805555556
WAlexDuarte(661) 627-743890059I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Choice 145308.79236111111
XKathiaKazarian(626) 314-455591042I Have My DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysCall Me45308.7875
YDanielSowell(424) 380-306890302I Have My DiplomaNoYes5 years or moreMore than 30 daysCall Me45308.75486111111
ZJeriBonfiglio(818) 445-577990405I Need A DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45308.75277777778
AHayleyMcClerkin(818) 419-194191401I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Call Me45308.74791666667
BRybackMichael(310) 346-828090806I Need A DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45309.03402777778
CBarrerasJacob(323) 472-392291768I Have My DiplomaNoNoIn the last 1-5 yearsMore than 30 daysCall Me45309.02013888889
DValadezSherly(323) 552-625791776I Have My DiplomaNoNoChoice 1Choice 1Text Me45308.990277777775
ELopezJustin(626) 364-130391768I Have My DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreI was never incarcerated.Call Me45308.95138888889
FWyantKarl(951) 816-744592707I Have My DiplomaNoNoIn the last 1-5 yearsLess than 30 daysText Me45308.93541666667
GMejiaLuis(213) 610-486290036I Have My DiplomaNoNoIn the last 1-5 yearsI was never incarcerated.Call Me45308.92986111111
HHurley JurisRachel(661) 741-111590291I Have My DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45309.2375
IPoissantMonique(562) 708-382390804I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Text Me45309.21805555555
JRobinsonRickie(190) 952-020090018I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Text Me45309.19652777778
KShinChristopher(909) 859-522791789I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Call Me45309.14027777778
LMoraMagali(909) 515-495392410I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureLess than 30 daysCall Me45309.049305555556
MFrancisAntwanette(310) 650-763890047I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Call Me45309.049305555556
NMartinezMarco(323) 798-299290044I Have My DiplomaYesNoIn the last 1-5 yearsLess than 30 daysCall Me45309.86319444444
OHussAdam(310) 927-604590004I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Call Me45309.854166666664
PGarciaAshley(805) 558-937491360I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Call Me45309.82152777778
QCanoJocelyn(714) 610-624690241I Have My DiplomaNoNoIn the last 1-5 yearsMore than 30 daysCall Me45309.77777777778
RAlmanzaSilvia(714) 610-624690241I Need A DiplomaNoNoIn the last 1-5 yearsMore than 30 daysCall Me45309.777083333334
SEwingKayla(909) 326-976091767I Need A DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Text Me45309.770833333336
TPhillipsShamika(323) 482-832090010I Have My DiplomaNoNoIn the last 1-5 yearsI was never incarcerated.Text Me45309.725694444445
UPortmanAshley(520) 633-292690272I Have My DiplomaNoNoIn the last 1-5 yearsI was never incarcerated.Text Me45309.694444444445
VCastrejonAlexis(312) 918-534891766I Have My DiplomaYesNoIn the last 1-5 yearsLess than 30 daysText Me45309.45
WPonsorCassie(195) 133-458292394I Have My DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45309.31180555555
XRichardsTravis(213) 615-937990015I Have My DiplomaNoNoNot SureI was never incarcerated.Text Me45309.294444444444
YBolinger-GuerreroJesse(840) 206-976691710I Have My DiplomaYesNoIn the last 1-5 yearsLess than 30 daysText Me45309.96111111111
ZLozanoAngelo(626) 703-190091773I Have My DiplomaNoNo5 years or moreMore than 30 daysText Me45309.89791666667

Peer Support Participant Locations
