Marker | Address | City | State | Zipcode | Name | Phone # | Group | URL | latitude | longitiude | Description | Working Hours: | Payment: | |
A | 8029 Foster Avenue | Brooklyn | NY | 11236 | eAutoCollision: Auto Body Shop | (718) 517-9180 | Auto | | | 40.6414095 | -73.9182242 | Trusted since 1999 to keep you and your family safe, is the highest rated auto body repair shop in all five New York City boroughs. When it comes to high-performance vehicles, fleet services and preventative maintenance, there’s none better. The technicians at eAutoCollision are highly trained experts qualified to work on everything from heavy-duty trucks to electric cars. Their specialized auto body paint shop is incomparable, providing speedy quality paint jobs and touchups. From tune-ups to tire sales, you get it all at eAutoCollision. Call today to see what a difference it makes. |