  • Headache Medicine, Interventional Pain Medicine
MarkerAddressCityStateZipcodeNamePhone #GroupURLEmail LatitudeLongitiudeDescriptionWorking Hours:Payment:
A41 5th AvenueNew YorkNY10003Advanced Headache Center646-763-2222Headache Medicine, Interventional Pain Medicine top-rated, Ivy League trained (Harvard & Columbia Medical School) headache doctor and migraine relief specialist, Dr. Hosny of Advanced Headache Center in NYC, take a sophisticated treatment approach to the common headache. Affiliated with the best-rated hospitals in New York, our practice utilizes the entire range of safe and effective headache treatment techniques and modalities to treat head pain and discomfort. For more information about the New York Advanced Headache Center, our doctors, or to schedule a consultation with Amr Hosny MD, please contact our headache, migraine specialists in New York City by number: 646-763-2222.Monday: 8am–7pm Tuesday: 8am–7pm Wednesday: 8am–7pm Thursday: 8am–7pm Friday: 8am–7pm Saturday: Closed Sunday: ClosedCash, check, credit cards