1 | 3553 W. Vernor Hwy. Suite D | Detroit | MI | 48216 | All Saints Literacy Center | (313)-635-4549 | | https://allsaintsliteracy.org/ | info@allsaintsliteracy.org |
2 | 10 E Chicago Street | Coldwater | MI | 49036 | Branch County Literacy Council | (517)-279-9833 | | https://www.branchdistrictlibrary.org/literacy | brcolitco@cbpu.com |
3 | 2002 Maryland Ave. | Flint | MI | 48506 | Center for Higher Educational Achievement | (810)-877-6308 | | www.mychea.org | centerforhigher@yahoo.com |
4 | 1211 Trumbull St. | Detroit | MI | 48216 | Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation | (313)-967-4880 | | www.dhdc1.org | info@dhdc1.org |
5 | 103 W. Douglass Ave. | Houghton | MI | 49931 | Elaine Bacon Literacy Program | (906)-231-7089 | | https://elainebaconliteracyprogram.org | dmh2349@gmail.com |
6 | 311 Higgins St. | Lapeer | MI | 48446 | Family Literacy Center | (810)-664-2737 | | www.readlapeer.org | ican@readlapeer.org |
7 | 30175 Highmeadow Road | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 | Farmington Adult ESL (part of Farmington Public Schools) | (248)-489-3827 | | https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/adult-esl | laura.dunn@fpsk12.net |
8 | 1401 E. Court St. | Flint | MI | 48503 | Flint & Genesee Literacy Network | (810)-232-2526 | | https://flintliteracynetwork.org/ | flintandgeneseeliteracy@gmail.com |
9 | P.O. Box 4446 | Flint | MI | 48504 | Genesee County Literacy Coalition | (810)-243-3349 | | https://www.gclcliteracy.org | gclc.adultlearners@gmail.com |
10 | 143 Bostwick Avenue NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49503-3295 | Grand Rapids Community College Adult Education | (616)-234-3172 | | https://www.grcc.edu/programs/adult-education | davidselmon@grcc.edu |
11 | 525 N State St. | Alma | MI | 48801 | Gratiot Adult Education & Gratiot Continuous Learning Center | (989)-462-0130 | | https://www.facebook.com/fultonadulted | mmyers@giresd.net |
12 | 55 15th Street | Port Huron | MI | 48060 | Harrison Adult Learning Center | (810)-455-0029 | | phasd.us | shunwick@phasd.us |
13 | 14350 Tireman Ave | Detroit | MI | 48228 | Islamic Center of Detroit | (313)-584-4143 | | https://icdonline.org/ | secretary@icdonline.org |
14 | 420 E. Alcott St. | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 | Kalamazoo Literacy Council | (269) 382-0490 ext. 222 | | www.kalamazooliteracy.org | mevans@kalamazooliteracy.org |
15 | 1120 Monroe Ave. | Grand Rapids | MI | 49503 | Literacy Center of West Michigan | (616)-459-5151 | | www.literacycenterwm.org | info@literacycenterwm.org |
16 | P.O. Box 31 | Howell | MI | 48843 | Livingston County Literacy Coalition | (810)-207-5890 | | www.livingston-literacy.org | info@livingston-literacy.org |
17 | 5716 Michigan Ave. Suite 3000 | Detroit | MI | 48210 | MiSide/MiWealth | (313)-841-9641 | | miside.org | karyn.goven@miside.org |
18 | 709 N. Saginaw St. | Flint | MI | 48503 | Mott Community College Workforce and Economic Development | (810)-232-2555 | | https://www.mcc.edu/wfed/adult-education.shtml | wfd@mcc.edu |
19 | 51111 Woodward Ave. Suite 720 | Pontiac | MI | 48342 | Oakland Literacy Council | (248)-253-1617 | | www.oaklandliteracy.com | info@oaklandliteracy.com |
20 | P.O. Box 6364 | Plymouth | MI | 48170-6364 | Plymouth-Canton Community Literacy Council | (734)-589-0011 | | plymouthcantonliteracy.org | info@plymouthcantonliteracy.org |
21 | 430 E 8th St. | Holland | MI | 49423 | READ Ottawa | (616) 843-1470 | | www.readottawa.org | info@readottawa.org |
22 | 211 N. 1st Ave | Alpena | MI | 49707 | READ Program, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library | (989)-356-6188 ext. 15 | | https://alpenalibrary.org/ | readprogram@alpenalibrary.org |
23 | 16888 Trinity St. | Detroit | MI | 48219 | Siena Literacy Center | (313)-532-8404 | | https://www.sienaliteracy.org/ | info@sienaliteracy.org |
24 | 14061 Lappin Street | Detroit | MI | 48205-2374 | St. Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center | (313)-535-9200 | | svsfcenter.org | sharon.wheeler@svsfcenter.org |
25 | 510 W Ottawa St. | Lansing | MI | 48933 | The Global Institute of Lansing | (517)-488-5342 | | https://globalinstitutelansing.org/ | globalinstitutelansing@gmail.com |
26 | 111 E Kirby St. | Detroit | MI | 48202 | The International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit | (313)-871-8600 | | www.iimd.org | wojciech@iimd.org |
27 | 2417 Abbott Rd. | Midland | MI | 48642 | The Legacy Center for Community Success | (989)-496-1425 | | www.tlc4cs.org | tlc4cs@tlc4cs.org |
28 | 1028 E. Saginaw St. | Lansing | MI | 48906 | The Reading People / Capital Area Literacy Coalition | (517)-485-4949 | | www.thereadingpeople.org | Director@thereadingpeople.org |
29 | P.O. Box 5339 | Flint | MI | 48505 | Uloma Immigrants' House | 810-221-4371 | | www.ulomahouse.org | info@ulomahouse.org |
30 | 5577 Whittaker Rd. | Ypsilanti | MI | 48197 | Washtenaw Literacy | (734)-337-3338 | | washtenawliteracy.org | info@washtenawliteracy.org |
31 | 7310 Woodward Ave. Suite 800 | Detroit | MI | 48202 | Wayne Metro Community Action Agency | (313)-388-9799 | | www.waynemetro.org | wmconnectcenter@waynemetro.org |
32 | 26091 Trowbridge St. | Inkster | MI | 48141 | Zaman International | (313)-551-3994 | | www.zamaninternational.org | info@zamaninternational.org |
33 | 26 E. Broadway | Muskegon Heights | MI | 49444 | Read Muskegon | 231-747-7273 | | www.readmuskegon.org | info@readmuskegon.org |