The Proximity and Map Radius Tool is an amazing tool that allows you to determine or estimate the distance (miles /km) of other locations from a point using a polygon. This mapping tool makes it extremely easy for you to quickly run a proximity analysis on a segment or section of your data.
You can use the drive time polygon to identify certain points and locations on your map, and how far are those locations from other locations.
With this unique tool, getting a beautifully simple and easy-to-understand visualization of your location data is quite easy.
Build A Drive Time Polygon Around A Location:
You can easily create a drive time polygon around a location in seconds. To do this, you need to select a location which would be your starting location, set your drive time, add further customization time (optional), and that’s it.
Real-Time Distance Adjustment And Color Modification:
Easily change the distance measured in real-time. You can also select (or change) the color of the polygon created for easy viewing.
Appearance (Data) Customization:
After creating your Polygon, you can customize the popups that appear within the polygon. You’ll find this useful when creating multiple polygons on a map to identify or categorize location data within your polygons.
One-Click Export:
Conveniently export your location data within your polygon with a single click into an XLS or CSV file.